Police Bharti Syllabus
Maharashtra Government has announced recruitment for Maharashtra Police constable. Those who are looking for opportunity to make their career as a constable can check their eligibility for the exam and prepare for the same. Police Bharti Exam is a dream for many students from Maharashtra specially for rural students. Mission Police Bharti has just made this easy for you, now write down all Police Bharti Syllabus here. Mission Police Bharti Test is the best but If you wish also check our website for all the process regarding police bharti.
Police bharti syllabus comprises all the topics that are to be covered during the final exams of police bharti, which is organized by the recruitment cell of Maharashtra Police. Police bharti exam is to be held in multiple rounds and in each round candidates are expected to cover several topics from different sections like Mental Ability , English Language ,Marathi Language and General Knowledge & Current Affairs. Candidates aspiring to apply for this police recruitment must go through this comprehensive syllabus and prepare for the exam accordingly.
Subject | No. of Question | Marks |
Mathematics | 25 | 25 |
General Awareness | 25 | 25 |
Reasoning | 25 | 25 |
Marathi Grammer | 25 | 25 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
- Current Affairs top for National & International Level
- History of India
- Economic issues in India
- International issues
- Indian Culture
- Famous Places in India
- Political Science
- Music & Literature
- Sculptures
- अलंकारिक शब्द
- समानार्थी शब्द
- विरुद्धर्थी शब्द
- लिंग
- वचन
- विशेषण
- संधि
- नाम
- सर्वनाम
- क्रियापद
- मराठी वर्णमाला
- काळ
- प्रयोग
- वाक्प्रचार
- म्हणी
- समास
- संख्या व संख्याचे प्रकार
- बेरीज, वजाबाकी, गुणाकार, भागाकर
- वर्ग व वर्गमूळ
- घन व घनमूळ
- शेकडेवारी
- कसोट्या
- म.सा.वी आणि ल.सा.वी.
- पूर्णाक व त्याचे प्रकार
- अपूर्णांक व त्याचे प्रकार
- भागीदारी
- गुणोत्तर व प्रमाण
- सरासरी
- दशमान पद्धती
- नफा-तोटा
- काळ, काम, वेग
- सरळव्याज व चक्रवाढ व्याज
- घड्याळावर आधारित प्रश्न
- घातांक व त्याचे नियम
- Coding-Decoding
- Analogy & Classification
- Word formation
- Statement and conclusions Syllogism
- Statement and arguments
- Blood Relations
- Passage and conclusions
- Statement and assumptions
- Alphabet test
- Series Test
- Number Series
- Ranking and time sequence
- Question on Sitting Arrangement
- Direction Sense Test
- Decision-making test
- Figure series
- Input/output
- Assertion and reasoning